District Superintendent
Rev. Stephen D. Rhoades
With great joy and humility, I write to you as your new District Superintendent. I am Pastor Steve Rhoades, and my heart is already filled with love for each congregation and anticipation for what God will do through our partnership in ministry.
As I begin this journey with you, I am compelled by a clear vision that I believe God has placed before us. This vision isn't just a set of goals—it's a movement of God's Spirit that we get to participate in together. Yes, you read that correctly: we GET to do this together! This isn't just another task or obligation; it's a divine invitation to join in God's transformative work in Georgia.
Our vision unfolds in four powerful movements:
First, we are committed to seeing Lost People Saved. In a world hungry for authentic hope and real answers, we have the privilege of introducing people to the life-changing love of Christ. Every church, every member, has a part to play in this holy work of bringing people to Jesus.
Second, we focus on seeing Saved People Set Free. Salvation is just the beginning! We are called to walk alongside new believers, nurturing their faith, teaching them to pray, study Scripture, and live out their faith in practical ways.
Third, we are dedicated to seeing Freed People Trained. Every believer has been gifted by God for service. Therefore, our churches will be places where people discover their spiritual gifts and find meaningful ways to serve both within the church and in their daily lives.
Finally, we are passionate about seeing Trained People Mobilized. The church exists not for itself but for the world God loves. Together, we will equip and empower believers to be salt and light in their churches, neighborhoods, workplaces, and communities across Georgia.
Our motto: "We Get To Do This TOGETHER!" This isn't just a catchphrase—it's a celebration of the privilege we share in doing God's work and a reminder that we are stronger together than we could ever be apart.
In the coming year, I look forward to visiting each of your churches, meeting you personally, hearing your stories, and sharing in your unique ministry contexts. Each congregation in our district plays a vital role in God's kingdom work, and I am excited to see how God will use our combined efforts to impact Georgia for Christ.
Let's embrace this journey together with enthusiasm, faith, and expectation. The best days for the Georgia District Church of the Nazarene lie ahead as we unite in this vision and allow God to work through us.
With great anticipation and love in Christ,
Pastor Steve
Stephen D. Rhoades
Georgia District Superintendent
P.S. "We Get To Do This TOGETHER!"